Sunday 18 January 2009

A Poem for you..

A Mother to her Waking Infant
Now in thy dazzling half-oped eye,
Thy curled nose and lip awry
Thy up-hoist arms and noddling head,
And little chin with chrystal spread,
Poor helpless thing! what do I see,
That I should sing of thee?
From thy poor tongue no accents come,
Which can but rub thy toothless gum;
Small understanding boasts thy face,
Thy shapeless limbs nor step nor grace;
A few short words thy feats may tell,
And yet I love thee well.
When sudden wakes the bitter shriek,
And redder swells thy little cheek;
When rattled keys thy woes beguile,
And through the wet eye gleams the smile,
Still for thy weakly self is spent
Thy little silly plaint.
Perhaps when time shall add a few
Short years to thee, thou'lt love me too,
Then wilt thou through life's weary way
Become my sure and cheering stay:
Wilt care for me, and be my hold,
When I am weak and old.
Thou'lt listen to my lengthened tale,
And pity me when I am frail -
But see, the sweepy spinning fly
Upon the window takes thine eye.
Go to thy little senseless play-
Thou dost not heed my lay.
Joanna Baillie

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